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There was quite a storm brewing the night the call came through. I was spending Friday night the way I'd become accustomed to spending it; delivered pizza on my pyjama-clad legs and a crappy action movie on the TV. When my house phone rang I knew the call wasn’t intentional. No one dialled that number on purpose. Even the telesales people had given up trying. The phone rang and rang and I just stared at it. I'd almost forgotten that it could even do that. I begrudgingly sat aside my pizza and crossed the room to the phone. Casting one look back at my dinner, rapidly cooling on the sofa, I answered the call.


Seven years of work had led him to this moment. Seven years of staying in the lab for days on end. Untold gallons of coffee consumed and cartons of cigarettes smoked between tasks. One failed marriage. One broken home. Two children who were now only allowed to see their dad every other weekend. Billions of dollars spent getting to where they were today. Right here. Ready to flick the switch that would help to usher in a new era for mankind. That had been both the plan and the dream, only it wouldn’t come true. Not anymore.


Our expedition had been deep within the Amazon for two weeks, camping in the jungle, keeping away predators and canoeing down rivers and streams. Take away the biting insects and heatstroke and the trip could have been almost idyllic; sun piercing through the canopy and regular rain showers pouring through and refreshing us during our long hikes. One morning, barely a third of the time into our planned trip, we encountered an unexpected and insurmountable obstacle; the Joveños tribe. We hadn't expected to find them and they certainly didn't wish to be found.


He wondered whether anyone remembered that he was up here. He wondered whether anyone was left who would care. Every time he looked out of the window the view was new and yet also somehow worse than before. There had been a family down there, all of his own, but now he didn't know if they were still there to miss him as badly as he missed them. The loneliness was becoming a problem.

Stories and Poetry: List


The Pen and The Sword

Once I picked up a pen and the ink I let run

Little did I know an arduous journey had begun

A quest for credibility, a long walk for fame

For others to know me as more than a name

A collection of notebooks gathered on my shelf

A selection of words to learn more of my self

The pen is mightier than the sword it is said

Only one can be used to get the words from my head

Characters abound in my brain and prove hard to wrangle

When attempting to put them through the literary mangle

Once they’re given a name and allowed the chance to talk

My grey matter goes blank, my pen lowers and I walk

Such a difficult task to be known as a writer

Tis a harder thing still when one must be a fighter

Wrestling stories untold from within one’s own mind

To share tales with the world of the fictional kind

The Wonderers

Everyone needs a home

Whether that's where you live or where you've grown

Sometimes maybe you just don't want to be alone

And that's fine because somewhere you can definitely be shown

The value of kindness, of friendship

of peace and of knowledge

The wanderers, the wonderers

The strangers, the lost

The building welcomes all comers

But it isn't the bricks and mortar that will keep you

It isn't the frosted glass that will feed you

Nor will the floorboards ever treat you

To the hospitality that's waiting

When the people inside greet you

The walls and doors may keep the warmth in

But they're not what generate it

Love and joy emanate from within

But it isn't the foundations that create it

The masonry contains the brilliance

Of those that work inside

Whether that work is with notes in the air

Or with a paintbrush that glides over canvasses and brickwork

Or whether it's a story or poem that takes your imagination for a ride

You can get all of that if you take a chance and explore

Maybe you'll find much more

Maybe you'll try something you never considered before

What if you found that one simple thing that made your heart soar?

Wouldn't that be worth stepping foot through the door?

You don't have to believe in magic

Or anything else really

It doesn't matter if you're spiritual

or not very 'touchy-feely'

There is something here for you

It doesn't matter who you are

Perhaps you're here for the yoga

Or if not, don't despair, there's a well-stocked bar

The building will not judge you

It has been around a while

It's seen a lot of changes

It's seen a lot of people

And to some now it stands

Like a church without a steeple

But don't worry if that's not your thing

The folks inside are kind

Their main goal here is to help you

find your best possible state of mind

The wonderers, the wanderers

You've found a place to be

What it is to you it might not be to me

But that's the beauty of the place

With that you can surely agree

The strangers can be known

And the lost can be found

Forget the worries that you cling to

Let the majesty of the bricks and glass and floorboards lure you in

But let the wonder inside keep you

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